Largess - 2015
Largesse was exhibitied in Pop Gallery, Wollongabba, 2015
Largesse speaks to two qualities that are evident in the prints being made in the Queensland College of Art print studios and at the Griffith Centre for Creative Art Research. Firstly there has been a recent surge of large prints being produced by post graduates at QCA. These range from PhD candidate Blaire Coffey’s expansive silkscreened canvasses through to large assemblages of small prints such as the work of PhD candidate David Nixon, honours graduate Fred Gooch, DVA graduate Glen Skien and graduate Torinne Zach. Secondly whether through intaglio, relief, silkscreening, lithography or digital, (all represented in this show) printmaking is intrinsically a generous, democratic medium. By it art is tangibly shared with or mutually owned by the public, and it’s in this spirit that these artists freely share the rewards of their labour.
Chase Archer Rebecca Austin
Blair Coffey Clare Cowley
Russell Craig Fred Gooch
Domenica Hoare Nicola Hooper
David Nixon Glen Skien
Torinne Zach
Largesse showed at POP Gallery, 27 Logan Road, Woolloongabba, Brisbane, in February 2015