the pinch
the following bibliographies have been compiled to support research into artists books practice and discourse assembled while researching the relationship between artists book practice, the haptic and haptic aesthetics
critical discourse addressing artists book practice
artists books practice & haptic aesthetics
literature published across Australasia and South America(including Mexico)
War and Peace in the Global Village Marshall McLuhan Quentin Fiore,
The Poetics of Space
The Arcades Project
The Artist’s Book Yearbook 2001-2002, 2006-2007, 2012-2013, 2016-2017
Artists’ Books Creative Production and Marketing
Books by Artists
Creating Artists’ Books
Seven Nights, Forge Luis Borges
The Spider and the Taperstries
No Longer Innocent: Book Art in America 1960-1980
Printing & Book Culture in Late Imperial China
Ainda: o Livro Como Performance
Quant aux livres On Books
Discourse on Colonialism
Tianshu: Passages in the Making of a Book
The Book of Touch
Social Paper, Hand Papermaking in the Context of Socially engaged Art
book art object
Print Produce Publish
This Is not A Cathedral
Freestyle Books
Tacit and Explicit Knowledge
The Latrobe Journal, No. 95, Creating and Collecting Artists Books in Australia
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages
The Wayfinders
A Thousand Plateaus
Francis Bacon The Logic of Sensation
The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque
Deleuze and Space
Deleuze and the Post Colonial
Between Deleuze and Derrida
Memoirs of the Blind, The Self Portrait and Other Ruins
On Touching - Jean-Luc Nancy
Paper Machine
The Century of Artists' Books
Johanna Drucker, Druckworks
This is Not the End of the Book
Divine Art, Infernal Machine
The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe
Carivari 1992-2002
Carivari 1992-2012
artists’ books + Multiples fair ’96
Une histoire du livre d’artiste australien
Registering is also Writing
Archaeology and the Senses
Unshelfmarked Reconceiving the artists’ book
The real thing
Designing Books, practice and theory
cross currents bookworks from the edge of the pacific
Visible Language Vol 25 2/3 The Artists Book: the Text and its Rival
Japanese Bookbinding
Impediment Press & Wandering Bark
Prints and Books
Prints and Visual Communication
JAB 39 – Spring 2016, The Australian JAB
Robert Jacks 1969 - 2009
Books by Artists
The nature of the Book
Anselm Kiefer Die Buchstaben
Artists books a critical survey of the literature
The World of Hedi Kyle
Bruno Leti, Survey Artists Books 1982 – 2003,
We the Navigators
Adventure & Art, the fine press book from 1450 to 2011
Verso 4
The Verso Lectures 2016
Artists’ Books: a Critcal Anthology and Sourcebook
Utopian Pessimist
Understanding Media
Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations
Il Libro Come Opera D’Arte The Book as a Work of Art
Libri e Documenti Arte Povera 1966-1980 Books and Documents
Munari’s Books
Olter il Libro Alighiero E Boetti Beyond Books
Design as Art
Sol Witt, Artist’s Books
Touch : sensuous theory and multisensory media
Splendid Pages
The Book That Made Your World
guardare raccontare pensare conservare / looking telling thinking collecting
A Tally of Types
remembering touch
Orality and literacy
The Silent Scream
Why I Write
Codex Sinaiticus
Cover to Cover
The Tacit Dimension
Scripting Reading Motions
Miller’s Collecting Books
The Sensory World of Italian Renaissance Art
Kamikaze Press
The Activated Page Handmade Paper and the Artist’s Book
A Book of the Book
Dreaming by the Book
Literature and the Touch of the Real
Non-Adhesive Binding
Bookwork, Medium to Object to Concept to Art
Facing the Page British Artists’ Books
Uniformagazine, No’s 1 – 6
Making Artist Books Today
The Book as Art
Word & Image
The Booklyn Education Mannual
Books Boxes and Portfolios
JAB - the Journal of Artists Books, Brad Freeman
The Blue Notebook, IMPACT Press, University of West England.
The Bonefolder, Peter D. Verheyen, Syracuse University Library
Openings, the College Book Arts Association, USA
Hand Papermaking, Micahel Durgin and Amanda Degener
Art in Print, Chicago
produced by Jerome Agel 1997
Gaston Bachelard, 1969
Walter Benjamin, 2002,
Sarah Bodman (editor), Impact Press, UWE Bristol,
Sarah Bodman, Impact Press, UWE Bristol, 2005
Sarah Bodman, Impact Press UWE Bristol, 1999
Sarah Bodman, A&C Black, London, 2004
Translated by Eliot Weinberger, New Directions Books, NY, 1984
Louise Bourgeois, HatjeCantz, Ostfildern, 2014
Betty Bright, Granary Books, NY, 2005
Cynthia J Brokaw & Kai-Wing Chow (editors), University of California Press, 2005
Amir Cador, Museu de Arte da Pampulha, 2014
Ulises Carrión, Éditions Héros-Limite, 1997
Aimé Césaire, Monthly Review Press, 2000,
Katherine Spears, Quaritch, 2009
Constance Classen, Berg, 2005
Jessica Cochran, Centre for Book and Paper Arts, 2014
David Jury, the Codex Foundation, 2011
Marnie Powers & Emily Tipps, College Book Arts Association, 2014
Monica Oppen, the Codex Foundation, 2015
Helen Cole, State Library of QLD, 2008
Harry Collins, The University of Chicago Press, 2010
Des Cowley &, The State Library of Victoria, 2015
Ernst Robert Curtis, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979
Wade Davis, Anansi, 2009
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Bloomsbury, 2013
Gilles Deleuze, University of Minnesota Press, 2003
Gilles Deleuze, University of Minnesota Press, 1992
Buchanan & Lambert, Edinburgh University Press, 2005
Bignall & Patton, Edinburgh University Press, 2010
Patton & Protevi, Continuum, 2003
Jacques Derrida, The Univesrity of Chicago Press, 2007
Jacques Derrida, Stanford University Press, 2005
Jacques Derrida, Stanford University Press, 2005
Johanna Drucker, Granary Books, 1995
Centre for Book and Paper Arts, Epicentre, 2012
Jean-Claude Carriére & Umberto Eco, Harvill Secker, 2011
Elizabeth L.Eisenstein, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011
Elizabeth L.Eisenstein, Cambridge University Press, 2000
Gerard Genette, Cambridge University Press, 1997
Christine Baumgartner & Sabine Golde, 2002
Sabine Golde, 2012
Noreen Grahame, numero uno publications, 1996
Noreen Grahame, numero uno publications, 2016
Ximena Peerez Grobet, Nowhereman Press, 2014
Yannis Hamilakis, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Michael Hampton, Uniformbooks, 2015
Tanya Harrod, Hyphen Press, 2015
Hochuli & Kinross, Hyphen Press, 2003
Judith A Hoffberg, Umbrella Associates, 1991
René Riese Hubert, Rhode Island School of Design, 1991
Kojiro Ikegami, Weatherhill, 1988
Sue Anderson & Gwen Harison, 2014
William M. Ivins, Jr, Harvard University Press, 1926
William M. Ivins, Jr, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1953,
Brad Freeman, Centre for Book and Paper Arts, 2016
Douglas Stewart Fine Books, 2010
Tim Guest & Germano Celant, Art Metropole, 1981
Adrian Johns, The University of Chicago Press, 1998
Arthur W.Johnson, Thames and Hudson, 1994
Stigtung für Kunst und Kulture e.V.Bonn, Wienand, 2015
Stefan Klima, Granary Books, 1998
San Francisco Centree for the Book, 2016
Geelong Gallery, 2003
David Lewis, The University Press of Hawaii, 1972
Alan Loney, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, 2012
Verso Magazine, 2016
Alan Loney and Nick Summers, Verso Magazine 2016
Joan Lyons, Visual Studies Workshop, 1985
David McLellan, Poseidon Press,1990
Marshall McLuhan, Routledge, 2001
Marshall McLuhan, Something else Press, 1967
Giorgio Maffei e Maura Picciau, Edizioni Corraini, 2008
Giorgio Maffei, Edizioni Corraini, 2007
Giorgio Maffei, Edizioni Corraini, 2008
Giorgio Maffei e Maura Picciau, Edizioni Corraini, 2011
Bruno Munari, Penguin Books, 2008
Giorgio Maffei e Emanuale de Donno, Edizioni Corraini, 2010
Laura U. Marks, University of Minnesota Press, 2002
Julie Mellby, Toledo Museum of Art, 2003
Vishal Mangalwadi, Thomas Nelson, 2011
Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, Edizioni Corraini, 2004
Stanley Morrison, David R Godine Publisher, 1999
Tim Mosely, Gifiith Centre for Creative Arts Research, 2014
Walter J.Ong, Routlegde, 1995
Monica Oppen and Peter Lyssiotos, Ant Press, 2011
George Orwell, Penguine Books, 2004
D. C. Parker, The British Library, 2010
Rob Perrée , NAi Publishers, 2002
Michael Polanyi, Doubleday and Company, 1966
Manuel Portela, The MIT Press, 2013
Catherine Porter, Reed International Books, 1995
Francois, Quiviger, Reaktion Books, 2010
Simon Redington, 2009
Jennifer Rossman, the jenny press, 2007
Jerome Rothenberg and Steven Clay, Granary Books, 2000
Elaine Scarry, Farrar. Straus. Giroux, 1999
David Schalkwyk, Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2004
Uta Schneider and Ulrike Stoltz, (2014?)
Keith A. Smith, the Sigma Foundation, 1990
Garrett Stewart, The university of Chicago Press, 2011
Barbra Tetenbaum, Triangular Press, 2005
Silvie Turner, estamp, 1993
published by Uniforrmbooks, 2014 - 2016
Wulf D. von Lucius and Gunnar A. Kaldewey, Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1988
Krystyna Wassermann, Princeton Architectural Press, 2007
Rowan Watson, V&A Publishing, 2018
Booklyn Artists Alliance, (2006?)
Franz Zeier, Design Press, 1990
artists books @ dc3p
… the emergence of artists books in the twentieth century as a medium that engages the breadth of our senses was underpinned by collaborative practice between poets, artists and designers within print culture. This intersection between the fields of fine art, literature and design facilitated by the printed book continues to attract interest across the creative arts. Responding to the fields emerging critical discourse a research focus on books by artists textured by 'the haptic' has been established at dc3p. This focus embraces the production, reception and evaluation of artists books within the antipodes. In keeping with the haptic, the nature of the focus is dynamic, responding to the surfaces of the field.
To date those surfaces include;
the abbe events (artists books brisbane event)
these have featured a conference, artists book fairs and exhibitions,
the publication of peer reviewed articles/essays academic papers from the abbe events have been published in The Journal of Artists' Books,
JAB39 , JAB42 , JAB43
the pinch - the development of a peer review collective supporting critical discourse on artists book practice,
the codex events - a series of collaborative publishing events and masterclasses featuring invited and visiting artists or scholars,
exhibitions - national & international, featuring books and prints by artists ,
advances in studio techniques, including
pulp printing - & fine papermaking techniques
other epicentres of artists book research dc3p has links with include: